domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2007

Leer esto me dio una grata tarde

Gracias Stumble, me encaminas a la gloria del internet

"The Seven Dirty Words
Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker and tits.

Wow! If you're American, according to the FCC guidelines you have just committed a federal crime, an act of civil disobedience that renders you (and me if I were American) liable to a $250,000 fine and a jail sentence for having transmitted "indecent" material over the Internet. Have a pleasant day.

Of course, I'm Canadian, so I can't go to jail for putting these 7 dirty words on a web page, although I guess the US government could charge me for exporting them into America, and the spineless Canadian government would probably not do much to prevent it... "(